A Need for Women-Tailored PPE

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Ill-Fitting PPE Isn’t Just Uncomfortable – It’s Unsafe. 

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is crucial in the aggregates industry. However, most PPE has been designed with men in mind since they have traditionally dominated the field. As the industry becomes more diverse, it’s crucial to ensure that all workers have properly fitted gear to protect them from occupational hazards.

“When companies refuse to provide PPE made for women’s bodies, it puts women in grave physical danger, and sends a troubling message about women’s value in the workplace,” said Amy Roosa, founder of The Safety Rack and organizer of My Body My PPE campaign.

According to the Department of Labor blog post “Women’s Health Week: Keeping Mine Workers Safe,” when women wear ill-fitting PPE, the risk of injuries and illnesses increases. For instance, if wearing eye protection that does not fit, their vision is restricted; or if wearing baggy safety vests, harnesses and/or gloves, those can become caught in equipment or slip off entirely. 

Thankfully, some companies are heeding the call and are offering PPE specifically designed for women’s bodies. Here’s a short list:

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